Intelligent Crew Management System
Crew Data Management
Adding new seafarers to the database using CrewInspector is an easy task, especially considering the automation opportunity the software provides. Crewing software can be directly linked with any internet website where candidates may apply using online application form.
Integrated Online Application form

New applications arrive along with notification message to your e-mail, so you don’t miss any candidate applying for a job.
SMS functionality

Advanced Search

Advanced search will enable you finding the most appropriate candidate for replacing existing crew onboard or filling in new vacancies.
Finding right seafarer will be fast and easy thanks to detailed criteria filtering possibilities starting seafarer basic information (name, surname, rank, nationality, availability date) and more comprehensive criteria such as information based on a sea going service (vessel names, vessel types, engine types).
Search offers handy feature finding seafarers by certificates and documents they hold including the country of issue.