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Data migration
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CrewInspector features

Global Accessibility
Crewing Software is accessible anywhere in the world and we guarantee 99% uptime 24/7 and 365 days a year. You can link all your company offices within one system without having additional software installation or configuration.

Enchanced data security
Software and data is stored in two geographically different, independent datacenters which guarantee high availability and data replication on customer behalf. Encrypted SSL connection guarantees equal security to online banking.

Major browsers supported
CrewInspector is available on all known internet browsers, but specifically is supporting features of Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome and Safari.
Even more features

Unlimited data storage
Within CrewInspector you can store as much as information as you need and exchange the data between offices and employees worldwide in real time.

Free customer support 24/7
CrewInspector customer support is available around the globe for all our clients free of charge. Forever. Our team will train you properly and will provide assistance on any question you may have at any time using our crewing software.

Accounting systems
CrewInspector can be linked to any 3rd party accounting system, importing and exchanging the financial data as you need it.